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वाहतूक शाखा
सोलापूर शहर पोलीस आयुक्तालयामध्ये वाहतुक नियमन व नियंत्रण करणे करीता स्वतंत्र वाहतुक शाखा स्थापन करण्यात आली आहे. सदर शाखेच्या अंतर्गत संपूर्ण आयुक्तालयामध्ये विविध ठिकाणी एकुण २ वाहतुक विभाग कार्यरत असुन वाहतुक नियंत्रण व नियमनाकरीता आपापले कार्यक्षेत्रामध्ये काम करते. सोलापूर शहर पोलीस आयुक्तालयाअंतर्गत कार्यरत असलेला वाहतुक विभाग मा.पोलीस उपआयुक्त मुख्यालय यांचे पर्यवेक्षण व नियंत्रणाखाली काम करतो. धार्मिक सण, उत्सव, मिरवणूका, महत्वाच्या व अतिमहत्वाच्या व्यक्तींचे दौरे तसेच इतर कार्यक्रमांच्या अनुषंगाने शहरातील वाहतुकीचे योग्य नियोजन व व्यवस्थापन करण्याचे काम ही शाखा करते.
- Our Mission
- Traffic Notifications
- Traffic Education
- Fine
Our Mission
Traffic Notifications
1 | 39/192(1) MVA | Without Valid Registration 2 Wheeler (Driver) | 1000 |
2 | 39/192(1) MVA | Without Valid Registration 2 Wheeler (Owner) | 1000 |
3 | 39/192(1) MVA | Without Valid Registration Other than 2 Wheeler (Driver) | 2000 |
4 | 39/192(1) MVA | Without Valid Registration Other than 2 Wheeler (Owner) | 2000 |
5 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | Registration Number not in Four Digits | 200 |
6 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | Registration Number of Taxi Not Painted on DashBoard | 200 |
7 | CMVR 51/177 MVA | Registration Number or Letters Not as Per Prescribed Measurement | 200 |
1 | 39/56/192 (1) MVA | Without Valid Fitness Certificate (Other than Two-Wheeler) (Driver) | 2000 |
2 | 39/56/192 (1) MVA | Without Valid Fitness Certificate (Other than Two-Wheeler) (Owner) | 2000 |
1 | 146/196 MVA | Without Valid Insurance (Driver) | 300 |
2 | 146/196 MVA | Without Valid Insurance (Owner) | 2000 |
1 | 189 MVA | Racing/Speed test Violation | 2000 |
2 | 112/183(1) MVA | Speed Violation by Driver | 1000 |
3 | 184 MVA | Dangerous Driving | 1000 |
1 | 52/191 MVA | Unathorised Alternation in Motor Vehicle | 1000 |
2 | 198 MVA | Unathorised Interference with Vehicle | 1000 |
1 | 184 MVA | Worng Side Driving (High Court Directions) | 1000 |
1 | 51/177 MVA | Illegal Number Plate Similar to DADA/MAMA/BABA etc. | 1000 |
2 | MVDR 36(1)/177 MVA | Driving or Parking Vehicle on Public Road Without Number Plate | 200 |
3 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | Visibility of Number Plate on Front and Rear of Vehicle/Rear Side Number Plate of Transport Vehicle Not Illuminated/Trailers Rear Side Number Plate Not Displayed | 200 |
4 | MVDR 36(3)/177 MVA, CMVR 50/177 MVA | Displaying Inscribing or Writing Letter,Word,Figure,Picture or Symbol on Number Plate/Number Plate Bears Personnel Name or Pictures or Symbols etc/Number Plate Letters Not in English and Figures Not in Arabic Numerals | 200 |
5 | MVDR 36(4)/177 MVA | Hiding fully/Partly Number Plate by Placing Load/Other Goods | 200 |
6 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | Number Plate of Transport Vehicle Not Displayed at Four Plate | 200 |
7 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | Number Plate Broken | 200 |
8 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | Number Plate of Motor Cycle Not Parallel to Handle Bar | 200 |
9 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | Number Plate With Unauthorised Colour | 200 |
10 | CMVR 50/177 MVA | LMV Number Plate Not at Middle With Illumination | 200 |
11 | MMVR 134(1)/177 MVA | Using Word,Figure,Drawing,Sticker on Vehicle (Press,Police,Polite,Advocate etc) on Transport MV | 200 |
12 | MMVR 134(6)/177 MVA | Using Word,Figure,Drawing,Sticker on Vehicle (Press,Police,Polite,Advocate etc) on Non-Transport MV | 200 |
LIGHT | |||
1 | CMVR 102(2)/177 MVA | Without Red Tail Lamp or Light | 1000 |
2 | CMVR 105/177 MVA | Without Light after Sunset | 200 |
3 | CMVR 109/177 MVA | Without Parking Light | 200 |
4 | MMVR 235/177 MVA | Dazzling Light | 200 |
5 | MMVR 236(1)/177 MVA | Light Not Visible | 200 |
1 | CMVR 104(1)/177 MVA | Without Red Reflector | 1000 |
2 | CMVR 93(8)/190(2) MVA | Unsafe Goods Beyond Body | 500 |
3 | CMVR 93(8)(IV)/190(2) MVA | Load Extends to Hight Beyond Limits/Projection of Load | 500 |
4 | MMVR 202/177 MVA | Unsafe-Dangerous Transportation of Goods | 200 |
5 | MMVR 229(2)/177 MVA | Unsafe Goods Beyond Body No White Reflector Disc and Additional Red Lamp Attached at the Rear | 1000 |
6 | MMVR 250(A)/177 MVA | Use of Mobile Phone and Communication Device is not allowed while Driving | 200 |
7 | MVDR 37(2)/177 MVA | No Use of Mobile Phone by Trainer While Training Learner Driver | 200 |
8 | 186 MVA | Driver Unfit (Physically/Mentally) | 500 |
9 | 190(2) MVA | Road Sefty Standards Violation | 500 |
1 | 3(1)/181 MVA | Driving Without Valid License | 500 |
2 | 4(1)/181 MVA | Driving Without Valid License Below 16 Years of Age | 500 |
3 | 19 to 20/182(1) MVA | License Disqualified Driver | 500 |
4 | CMVR 3(b)/177 MVA | License Driver not Accompanied with Trainer | 200 |
PERMIT | |||
1 | 5/180 MVA | Permitting Driver to Drive MV Without License (Owner) | 500 |
HELMET | |||
1 | 129/177 MVA | Without Helmet | 500 |
HORN | |||
1 | CMVR 119(2)/177 MVA | Vehicles Fitted or Using Multi Honed Horns Giving Harsh,Shrill,loud or Alarming Noise, Multitoned and
shrill Horn |
500 |
2 | MMVR 224/190(2) MVA | Restrictions on Driving with Gear Disengaged / Driving with Natural Gear in Ghats | 500 |
3 | 84(G)r/w 177 MVA | Name and address of the Operator not Painted on Farmly Affixed to every Vehicle | 200 |
4 | MVDR 23/177 MVA | Prohibition on Unnecessary use of Horn / No Honking | 200 |
5 | MVDR 23(4)(a)/177 MVA | Honking Repeatedly in Ressedintial / Silence Zone Area | 200 |
6 | MVDR 23(4)(d)/177 MVA | Vehicle Creating Undue Noise or Alarming Sound When in Motion | 200 |
1 | 119/177 MVA | Mandatory Traffic Sign Boards Not Obeyed | 200 |
1 | MVDR 22(2)(a)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle wear Stopping Prohibited / Vehicle Abanded on Road | 200 |
2 | MVDR 22(2)(c)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle on Footpath, Cycle Track and Zebra Crossing | 200 |
3 | MVDR 22(2)(f)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle Near Bus Stop, At Educational Institute / Hospital entry or if Blocking Traffic Sign | 200 |
4 | MVDR 22(2)(g)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle in a Tunnel | 200 |
5 | MVDR 22(2)(h)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle in Bus Lane | 200 |
6 | MVDR 22(2)(i)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle in Front the Entrance or Exit of Property | 200 |
7 | MVDR 22(2)(k)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle Away from the Age of the Footpath | 200 |
8 | MVDR 22(2)(l)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle Opposite another MV or As Obstruction to Other Vehicle | 200 |
9 | MVDR 22(2)(m)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle Obstructing Other Vehicle or Cause Inconvinnece to Any Person | 200 |
10 | MVDR 22(2)(n)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle Alongside Another Parked Vehicle/ Double Parking | 200 |
11 | MVDR 22(2)(s)/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle In ” No Parking ” Area | 200 |
12 | 122/177 MVA | Parking the Vehicle In Dangerous Condition / Causing of Obstruction to Free Flow of Traffic | 200 |
13 | MVDR 22(2)(b)/177 MVA | Parking Vehicle on Main Road Wear Notified Speed Limit is 50 KM Per Hour or More | 200 |
14 | MVDR 22(2)(d)/177 MVA | Parking Vehicle within 50 M From the Edge of Junction or Inter Section | 200 |
15 | MVDR 22(2)(j)/177 MVA | Park Vehicle on Continuos Yellow Line Painted on Curved Side on Road | 200 |
16 | MVDR 22(2)(O)/177 MVA | Park Vehicle In Permitted Parking Place Beyond Permitted Time Limit | 200 |
17 | MVDR 22(2)(P)/177 MVA | Parked Vehicle is Other Than Permitted Specified Category | 200 |
18 | MVDR 22(2)(R)/177 MVA | Not Parking Vehicle As Designated in Parking Lot | 200 |
1 | 130(1)/177 MVA | Failed to Produce Valid License | 200 |
2 | CMVR 115(7)/177 MVA | Failed to Produce Valid PUCC | 200 |
3 | CMVR 139/177 MVA | Failed to Produce Documents Within 15 Days of Demand in Writing | 200 |
4 | MMVR 20(1)(xvi)/177 MVA | Failed to Produce a Valid Driving Licence on Demand ( Public Service Vehicle ) | 200 |
5 | MMVR 24(2)/177 MVA | Failed to Display badged (HMV Passenger Carrier) | 200 |
6 | 6(1)/179 MVA | Driver Found with Two Licence in his name | 500 |
LANE | |||
1 | MVDR 6(1)/177 MVA | Lane Cutting | 200 |
1 | MVDR 14(2)/177 MVA | Overtaking from Left | 200 |
2 | MVDR 14(5)(d)/177 MVA | Overtaking on a Bend / Corner / Turning | 200 |
3 | MVDR 14(5)(e)/177 MVA | Overtaking at Junctions / Intersections / Zebra Crossing | 200 |
4 | MVDR 14(5)(h)/177 MVA | Overtaking in School / Hospitals / Construction Zone Area | 200 |
5 | MVDR 14(7)/177 MVA | Giving the right turn indicator to the following Vehicle for Overtaking | 200 |
6 | MVDR 14(9)/177 MVA | Overtaking obstructed | 200 |
7 | MVDR 94(2)(ii)/177 MVA | Overtaking within barriers on a Railway Crossing | 200 |
8 | MVDR 20(2)/177 MVA | Overtaking / U-Turn / Drive Backwards in a Tunnel | 200 |
1 | MVDR 20(3)/177 MVA | Parking / Stopping Vehicle in a Tunnel Without Genuine Reason | 200 |
2 | MVDR 22(1)(i)/177 MVA | Stopping the Vehicle at Narrow Road | 200 |
3 | MVDR 22(1)(ii)/177 MVA | Stopping the Vehicle Near or on a Sharp Bend | 200 |
4 | MVDR 22(1)(iii)/177 MVA | Stopping Vehicle in an Acceleration / Deceleration Length | 200 |
5 | MVDR 22(1)(iv)/177 MVA | Stopping the Vehicle on 5 Meters Before Pedestrian Crossing | 200 |
6 | MVDR 22(1)(v)/177 MVA | Stopping Vehicle on a Level Crossing | 200 |
7 | MVDR 22(1)(vi)/177 MVA | Stopping Vehicle 5 Meters or Less Before Light Signals or “GIVE WAY” or “STOP SIGN” | 200 |
8 | MVDR 22(1)(vii)/177 MVA | Stopping the Vehicle at Bus Stand When Vehicle is Other than Bus | 200 |
9 | MVDR 22(1)(viii)/177 MVA | Stopping Vehicle on Yellow Box Marked on Road | 200 |
10 | MVDR 22(1)(ix)/177 MVA | Stopping the Vehicle at Mandatory “NO STOPPING” Sign | 200 |
11 | MVDR 7(1)(a)/177 MVA | No Stopping Before Stop Line | 200 |
TOWING | |||
1 | MVDR 30(1)/177 MVA | Unsafe Towing-2 Wheeler Towed by Other Vehicle | 200 |
1 | 128(1)/177 MVA | Triple Seat on Motor Cycle | 200 |
2 | MVDR 32(2)/177 MVA | Excess Number of Persons Sitting in Cabin of Goods Carriage | 200 |
3 | MVDR 21(20)/177 MVA | Excess Passenger (Motor Cab) | 200 |
1 | CMVR 3(C)/177 MVA | Driving Without L Board | 200 |
2 | CMVR 101/177 MVA | Driving Without Wiper | 200 |
3 | CMVR 103/177 MVA | Driving Without Indicator | 200 |
4 | MMVR 20(1)(x)/177 MVA | Unclean Vehicle (Public Service Vehicle) | 200 |
1 | 179(1) MVA | Disobedience of Police Order/Direction | 500 |
2 | 123/177 MVA | Riding on Running Board Outside Vehicle | 200 |
3 | 178(3) MVA, MMVR 22(d)/177 MVA | Refusal to Pay Taxi/Bus | 200 |
4 | MVRD 4(5),6(2)/177 MVA | Heavy Vehicles Continuously Driving in Right lane | 200 |
5 | MVRD 4(6)/177 MVA | No Entry in One Way | 200 |
6 | CMVR 138(3)/177 MVA | Without Seat Belt | 200 |
7 | MVRD 5(8)/177 MVA | Child up to 12 Years age not Provided Seat with Appropriate Child Restraint System | 200 |
8 | 125/177 MVA | Obstruction to Driver/Front Seating | 200 |
9 | MVRD 5(10)/177 MVA | Loud Music Played in Vehicle | 200 |
10 | MVRD 5(11)/177 MVA | Driver Found Watching Digital Motion Pictures/Video’s while Driving (Except Rout Navigation) | 200 |
11 | MVRD 6(4)/177 MVA | Driver Crossing White /Yellow Solid Lane Lines at Time of Overtaking | 200 |
12 | MVRD 11(1)/177 MVA | Turning Left/Right Without Hand Signal Indication | 200 |
13 | MVRD 9/177 MVA | Not Slowing Down at Junction and Zebra Crossing | 200 |
14 | MVRD 16(4)/177 MVA | Driving Slowly Without Good and Sufficient Reason to impede Normal Traffic Flow | 200 |
15 | MVRD 17(2)/177 MVA | Applying Sudden Brake Without Genuine Reason | 200 |
16 | MVRD 18(1)(2)/177 MVA | Restrictions on Driving Backwards/in Revers Direction | 200 |
17 | MVRD 18/177 MVA | Driving Backwards/in Revers Direction on Road/ in a Parking/ any Other Public Place | 200 |
18 | MVRD 39(3)/177 MVA | Driving Vehicle on Footpath/ Cycle Track Without Permission of Police Officer | 200 |
19 | MVRD 24(2)/177 MVA | Police Manual Signal Violation | 200 |
20 | MVRD 31(3)(i)/177 MVA | Driving Vehicle with Parking Light on | 200 |
21 | CMVR 94(3)/177 MVA | Tyres not in Good and Sound Condition | 200 |
22 | CMVR 100(2)/177 MVA | Tinded Glass/Black Film | 200 |
23 | CMVR 125RW S.O. 1365(E) Dt.19/12/2004 / 177 MVA | Right Side Door not Locked – Rickshaw | 200 |
24 | MMVR 4/177 MVA | Valid Badge not in the Name of HMV Passenger Carrierdriver | 200 |
25 | MMVR 21(18)/ 177 MVA | Without Prescribed Uniform (Tourist Cab) | 200 |
26 | MMVR 21(18)/ 177 MVA | Without Cab Drivers I-Card (All Cab) | 200 |
27 | MMVR 22(D)/ 177 MVA | Refusal to Ply Auto Rickshaw/Motor Taxi | 200 |
28 | MMVR 23(1)/ 177 MVA | Obstruction to Driver For Carrying Animal/Thing (Goods Carrier) | 200 |
29 | MMVR 165/ 177 MVA | Without Mud Guard | 200 |
30 | MMVR 108/ 177 MVA | Carriage of Persons in Goods Vehicles | 200 |
31 | MMVR 134(1)/ 177 MVA | Advertisement on Transport MV w/o RTO Permission | 200 |
32 | MMVR 161/ 177 MVA | Without side mirror | 200 |
33 | MMVR 162/ 177 MVA | TV/Video Set on Dashboard | 200 |
34 | MMVR 163/ 177 MVA | Dangerous Projection | 200 |
35 | MMVR 168/ 177 MVA | Use of military/ Police Colours & Registration Mark Prohibited | 200 |
36 | MMVR 232/ 177 MVA | Without Silencer | 200 |
37 | MMVR 239/ 177 MVA | Jumping signal | 200 |
38 | MMVR 249/ 177 MVA | HMV without Cleaner | 200 |
39 | 201 MVA R/ W MMVR 222 (4) | Keeping a Disabled Vehicle on any Public Place Causing Impediment to the Free Flow of Traffic | 50/ph |
40 | 120/ 177 MVA | Motor Vehicle with Left Hand Drive Without Displaying mechanical or Signalling Device Board at the Rear side (Owner & driver both) | 200 |
1 | MMVR 21 (7)/ 177 MVA | Meter Flag Down on Stand (Motor Cab) | 200 |
2 | MMVR 21 (5)/ 177 MVA | Stop out of Stand (Motor Cab) | 200 |
3 | MMVR 21 (17)/ 177 MVA | Misbehavior towards Passenger and other (Motor Cab) | 200 |
4 | MMVR 21 (19)/ 177 MVA | Unclean Vehicle (Motor Cab) | 200 |
5 | MMVR 21 (18)/ 177 MVA | Cab/Taxi Driver Without White Uniform (Motor Cab) | 200 |
6 | MMVR 21 (16)/ 177 MVA | Driver Smoking While on Duty (Motor Cab) | 200 |
7 | MMVR 21 (14)/ 177 MVA | Insufficient Fuel (Motor Cab) | 200 |
8 | MMVR 21 (13)/ 177 MVA | Shouting for Passenger (Motor Cab) | 200 |
9 | MMVR 21 (10)/ 177 MVA | Carry Cleaner in Permit Vehicle (Motor Cab) | 200 |
10 | MMVR 146/ 177 MVA | Faulty Meter (Motor Cab) | 200 |
1 | MVDR 34/ 177 MVA | Restriction to Carry Dangerous Substances/explosive/Highly Inflammable Substance on Public Service Vehicle | 200 |
2 | MMVR 20(1) (i)/ 177 MVA | Allowing any Person Animal or Thing to be in the Space Reserved for Driver (PSV other than M CAB) | 200 |
3 | MMVR 20(1) (ii)/ 177 MVA | Shouting for Passenger (PSV other than M. CAB) | 200 |
4 | MMVR 20(1) (vi)/ 177 MVA | Smoking While on Duty (PSV other than M. CAB) | 200 |
5 | MMVR 20(1) (vii)/ 177 MVA | Misbehavior towards Passenger (PSV other than M. CAB) | 200 |
6 | MMVR 20(1) (viii)/ 177 MVA | Driver Without Uniform (PSV other than M. CAB) | 200 |
7 | MMVR 20(1) (ix)/ 177 MVA | Failed to Display Valid Badge(PSV other than M. CAB) | 200 |
8 | MMVR 20(1) (xii)/ 177 MVA | Unnecessary Delay the Journey (PSV other than M. CAB) | 200 |
Telephone number:- 02172744612 ,
Email ID:- pisouthtraffic.cpsol@mahapolice.gov.in , pisouthtraffic.cpsol@mahapolice.gov.in , pinorthtraffic.cpsol@mahapolice.gov.in ,