Positive Story
सोलापूर शहरामध्ये सनसनाटी ठरलेल्या आबा कांबळे खून खटल्याची सुनावणी
सोलापूर शहरामध्ये सनसनाटी ठरलेल्या आबा कांबळे खून खटल्याची सुनावणी जिल्हा न्यायालयात संपली असून शुक्रवारी विशेष न्यायाधीश संगीता शिंदे यांनी या खून प्रकरणातील सातही आरोपींना जन्मठेपेची शिक्षा सुनावली आहे. सदर गुन्ह्याचे तपासी अधिकारी - पोलीस उप-आयुक्त (गुन्हे) श्रीमती डॉ दिपाली काळे मॅडम व वरिष्ठ पोलीस निरीक्षक संजय जगताप साहेब त्यांचे दप्तरी सहा.फौ.अल्ताफ शेख, पोह. 569 एस.टि.उबाळे.पोह. 826 एस.जी.राठोड. पोकॉ/1542 संजय साळुंखे यांनी केला असून वरील सर्वांना मा. पोलीस आयुक्त श्री. एम राज कुमार सो यांचे हस्ते बेस्ट कन्व्हीक्शन अवॉर्ड देवून सन्मानित करण्यात आले. ...Read More
A new initiative Key To Change -Raise Responsible Boys with the help of cactus foundation
Police Commissionerate Solapur city has started a new initiative Key To Change -Raise Responsible Boys with the help of cactus foundation from October 2023. On 16/05/24, the said activity was organized for the rickshaw pullers of Solapur city at the police commissioner's office. For the program Hon. Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime) Mrs. Sonawane Madam, Police Inspector Darade Sir, Assistant Police Inspector Bandgar, Assistant Police Inspector Swati Yele, Police Sub Inspector Parde, Cactus Foundation Mr. Rameshwar Erabatti and a total of 68 rickshaw pullers from the city were present. Hon. Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime) Mrs. Sonawane Madam Also Mr. Rameshwar Erabatti guided the rickshaw pullers present. In it, there was guidance about equality between men and women and the misconceptions men have about women, making the new generation with good thoughts and good morals in accordance with women's safety. Key to change-Raise Responsible Boys initiative is also being implemented for male students in schools and colleges of the city. ...Read More
Police Commissionerate Solapur City & Rotary E Club of Elite and Family Planning Association of India Solapur Branch organized Women's Day for women police officers and women police enforcers of Police Commissionerate.
On 18/03/2024 Police Commissionerate Solapur City, Rotary E Club of Elite and Family Planning Association of India Solapur Branch in celebration of International Women's Day A breast cancer screening camp was organized for women police officers and enforcers of Solapur City Police Commissionerate. In the said camp Hon. Police Deputy Commissioner Dr. Dipali Kale Madam guided the women present In the said camp Hon. Police Deputy Commissioner Dr. Dipali Kale Madam guided the women present. 30 women police officers and enforcers were examined in the said camp. ...Read More
पोलीस आयुक्तालय सोलापूर शहर वतीने पोलीस आयुक्तालयातील महिला अधिकारी व महिला अंमलदार यांच्यासाठी महिला दिनाचे औचित्य साधून महिला दिन कार्यक्रमाचे आयोजन करण्यात आले.
On behalf of Police Commissionerate Solapur city, Women's Day program was organized for women officers and women enforcers of Police Commissionerate on the occasion of Women's Day. The program was chaired by Hon. Mr. M. Raj Kumar, Commissioner of Police, Solapur City was present. Also, Hon. Mr. Ajit Borhade, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Headquarters), Hon. Mrs. Dr. Deepali Kale, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime/Special Branch), Hon. Mrs. Pranjali Sonwane, Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime), Mrs. Vasanthi Yelegaonkar (Financial Advisor) and Mrs. Sonal Panchal were present as chief guests. Sarees were distributed to part-time women employees in the said program And women police officers and women enforcers who performed excellently in the Police Commissionerate were honored with certificates. In the said program Hon. Police Commissioner guided womens. Chief Guest Smt. Vasanthi Yelegaonkar (Financial Advisor) guided womens on how to invest financially and Smt. Sonal Panchal on how to take care of skin. ...Read More
Operation Muskan and Special Drive
Dated 07/02/2024 to 17/02/2024 on behalf of Police Commissionerate Solapur City Under the guidance of Hon. Shri. M. Raj Kumar Commissioner of Police, Dr. Dipali Kale Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime/SB), Pranjali Sonwane Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime), Police Inspector Mahadev Raut and staff from the Anti Human Trafficking Cell of Police Commissionerate Solapur City have been searching for the missing persons Operation Muskan and Special Drive were carried out and a total of 92 missing persons including 49 men, 37 women and 06 children who went with the missing persons were found and handed over to their relatives and this mission was successfully completed. ...Read More
गुन्हे शाखेकडून घरफोडी 3, मोटार सायकल चोरी 3 असे एकुण 6 गुन्हे उघडकीस
सोलापूर शहरामध्ये मागील काही दिवसात घरफोडी व मोटार सायकल चोरीचे प्रमाण वाढल्याने सपोनि संजय क्षिरसागर व पथकातील अंमलदार यांनी अभिलेखावरील पाहिजे व फरारी तसेच मालाविषयी गुन्हयातील आरोपीचा शोध घेतला असता, आरोपी नामे सचिन इरप्पा धोत्रे वय 20, रा. केकडे नगर, एमआयडीसी सोलापूर यास ताब्यात घेवून चौकशी केले असता, त्याने सोलापूर शहरातील तीन ठिकाणी बंद घराचे कडी कोयंडा तोडून त्या घरातून सोन्याचे दागिने चोरी केल्याचे कबुली दिली. सदर आरोपीताकडून एमआयडीसी पोलीस ठाणेकडील घरफोडीचे तीन गुन्हे उघडकीस आणून त्याचेकडून सुमारे 26 ग्रॅम वजनाचे सोन्याचे दागिने रक्कम रु. 95,000/- रु. व दुचाकी मोटार सायकलचे 3 गुन्हे उघडकीस आणून 75000/- रु. किं.चे 3 मोटार सायकल हस्तगत करुन एकुण 1,70,000/- रु.किं.चा मुददेमाल जप्त केला आहे. ...Read More
देशी बनावटीचे गावठी पिस्तुल व एक जिवंत काडतूस बाळगणारे दोन इसमास अटक
दिनांक 7/02/2021 रोजी आयुक्तालय हददीमध्ये मालाविषयी आरोपींचा शोध घेण्यासाठी तसेच अवैदय धंदे व अवैदय शस्त्र यावर कारवाई करण्याकामी गस्त करीत असतांना बातमीदाराकडून खात्रीशीर बातमी मिळाली की, हैद्राबाद रोडवरील हॉटेल स्वादसमोरील विरुध्द बाजूचे मुळेगांव क्रॉसरोड बाजूला एक राखाडी रंगाची चारचाकी कार मधून दोन इसम येत असतांना दिसले. सदर संशयित इसमांना जागीच ताब्यात घेवून त्यांचेकडे अधिक चौकशी केली असता आरोपी नामे जब्बार कामतीकर व समद मखतुम शेख यांच्या ताब्यात एक देशी बनावटी गावठी पिस्तुल कंबरेस खोचलेल्या स्थितीत दिसली व त्यांच्या पॅन्टीच्या खिशात तीन जिवंत काडतुस मिळून आले. सदर पिस्तुल व काडतूस ही बेकायदा व विना परवाना बाळगल्याने सदर आरोपीतांविरुध्द एम.आय.डी.सी पोलीस ठाणे येथे गुरनं 77/2021 भारतीय हत्यार कायदा कलम 3/25 प्रमाणे गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आला आहे. ...Read More
मोटार सायकल व मोबाईल चोरी करणा-या आरोपीस अटक करुन त्याचेकडून 5 मोटार सायकली व 4 मोबाईल हस्तगत
पोलीस आयुक्तालय सोलापूर शहर हददीत मोटार सायकल चोरीचे प्रमाणे वाढले होते त्यावर नियंत्रण ठेवून चोरीस गेलेले मोटार सायकल हस्तगत करणे व मोटार सायकल चोरीचे गुन्हे उघड करणेबाबत मा. वरिष्ठांकडून सक्त सुचना दिल्या होत्या. त्याअनुषंगाने गुन्हे शाखेकडील सपोनि श्री. बंडगर व त्यांच्या पथकांना गुप्त माहिती मिळाल्याने त्यांनी दिनांक 5/06/2021 रोजी दयानंद कॉलेज चौकात सापळा रचून मिळालेल्या माहितीवरुन आरोपीत नामे विकास उर्फ विकी भिवा पवार रा. धोत्रेकर वस्ती हैद्राबाद रोड, सोलापूर यास ताब्यात घेवून पोलीस आयुक्तालयतील चार व सोलापूर ग्रामीण व सांगली येथील प्रत्येकी 1 गुन्हा व मोबाईल चोरीचे दोन गुन्हे उघडकीस आणले आहे. ...Read More
महिलांच्या गळ्यातील मंगळसुत्र जबरीने चोरणा-या आरोपीस गुन्हे शाखेकडुन अटक
दिनांक 13/09/2021 रोजी सोलापूर शहरात गौरी गणपती सणाच्या निमित्ताने महिला सोन्याचे दागिने घालून घराबाहेर पडल्या होत्या. या संधीचा फायदा घेवून महिल्याच्या गळयातील मंगळसुत्र हिसकावणा-या आरोपीतांचा शोध शहर गुन्हे शाखेचे सपोनि श्री. नंदकिशोर सोळुंके त्यांचे पथक घेत असतांना त्यांना खात्रीशीर बातमी मिळाल्याने आरोपी नामे 1. संतोष व्यंकट भोघीले रा. जिल्हा – बिदर कर्नाटक 2. श्रीनिवास जनार्दन माने रा. तालुका- उमरगा, जिल्हा उस्मानाबाद यांना ताब्यात घेवून त्यांच्याकडून एकुण 4 चैन स्नॅचिंग जबरी चोरीचे गुन्हे उघडकीस आणले आहे. गुन्हयातील गेला माल 5.8 तोळे सोन्याचे दागिने व बजाज कंपनीची पल्सर मोटार सायकल असा एकुण रक्कम रुपये 3,20000/- असा किंमतीचा मुददेमाल हस्तगत केला आहे. ...Read More
POLICE STATION:- CRIME BRANCH, SOLAPUR CITY DIST :- SOLAPUR CITY DATE OF WORK :-18/12/2019 BRIEF FACT :- As motor-cycles were being Stolen from the Solapur City, so on 18/12/2019 Crime branch officers and their team were in search of the accuse who had stolen motor-cycles. They got information that one person who was Criminal on police record namely Sagar Basavraj Kapalewas from Rangraj Nagar to Old BoramaniNaka. As per the information they reached at the said place and caught him there only. The said police team asked his name and address on which he told his name as SagarBasavrajKapale, age-28yrs, R/o. 296, near Vishwajeet Ganpati Temple, SomvarPeth , Solapur, presently living at 301 B, Godutai Vidi Gharkul, Kumbhari, Solapur. During the inquiry he confessed that the motor-cycle which was in custody was stolen from Avanti Nagar, Indian Gas Office, Solapur along with his associate namely Ramesh Yalgonda Koli, age-27 yrs, R/o. Agarkhed, Tal- Indi, Dist-Vijapur, State-Karnataka, presently living at Koli Galli, near Jay Matadi Nagar, 70 feet road, Solapur. In further inquiry he confessed 09 different motor vehicles theft and accordingly 10 motor-cycles of worth Rs. 05,27,000/- were seized from him. ...Read More

POLICE STATION:- CRIME BRANCH, SOLAPUR CITY DIST :- SOLAPUR CITY DATE OF WORK :- 15/12/2019 BRIEF FACT :- As offences of house breaking thefts happened in the Solapur City, So on 15/12/2019 Crime Branch Officers and their teams were in search of the accuse who had done the house breaking theft. They got information that one person from other state who was criminal on police record namely Raju Subhash Desai R/o. Kolhapur was coming to sell the gold ornaments via Degaon Marg Solapur to Osmanabad. Before that he was going to his relative ...Read More
POLICE STATION:- CRIME BRANCH, SOLAPUR CITY DIST :- SOLAPUR CITY DATE OF WORK :-18/12/2019 BRIEF FACT :- As motor-cycles were being stolen from the Solapur City, so on 18/12/2019 Crime branch officers and their team were in search of the accuse who had stolen motor-cycles. They got information that one person who was criminal on police record namely SagarBasavrajKapalewas from Rangraj Nagar to Old BoramaniNaka. As per the information they reached at the said place and caught him there only. The said police team asked his name and address on which he told his name as SagarBasavrajKapale, age-28yrs, R/o. 296, near VishwajeetGanpati Temple,SomvarPeth,Solapur, presently living at 301 B, GodutaiVidiGharkul, Kumbhari, Solapur. During the inquiry he confessed that the motor-cycle which was in custody was stolen from Avanti Nagar, Indian Gas Office, Solapur along with his associate namely Ramesh YalgondaKoli, age-27 yrs, R/o. Agarkhed, Tal- Indi, Dist-Vijapur, State-Karnataka, presently living at Koli Galli, near Jay Matadi Nagar, 70 feet road, Solapur. In further inquiry he confessed 09 different motor vehicles theft and accordingly 10 motor-cycles of worth Rs. 05,27,000/- were seized from him. ...Read More
POLICE STATION:- CRIME BRANCH, SOLAPUR CITY DIST :- SOLAPUR CITY DATE OF WORK :- 09/09/2019 BRIEF FACT :- As offences of house breaking thefts happened in the Solapur City, So on 15/12/2019 Crime Branch Officers and their teamswere in search of the accuse who had done the house breaking theft. They got information thatone person from other state who was criminal on police record namely Raju Subhash Desai R/o. Kolhapur was coming to sell the gold ornaments via Degaon Marg Solapur to Osmanabad. Before that he was going to his relative ...Read More
POLICE STATION:- CRIME BRANCH, SOLAPUR CITY DIST :- SOLAPUR CITY DATE OF WORK :- 09/09/2019 BRIEF FACT :- As there were offences of robbery and house breaking theft in Solapur city. On 09/09/2019 Crime Branch Officers and their teams were in search of accused who committed property offences. At that time they got information that accuse namely Akash Tulare Balramwale who was wanted in the offences of house breaking theft and robbery was coming from Modi graveyard to Vijapur Road with his associate for selling the gold and silver ornaments which were robbed in the offences of house breaking theft and robbery. As per the information they saw that Akash Balramwale was coming along with his associate seating behind the motorcycle from Revansiddeshwar Temple. The said police team followed and caught them. The said police team asked their name and address on which they told their name as 1) Akash Tuljaram Balramwale age-23 yrs, R/o. Old Vijapur Naka Zhopadpatti No. 02, Solapur 2) Dhruv @ Sonya Sadashiv More age-21 yrs R/o. Old Vijapur Naka Zhopadpatti No. 01, in the house of Shaikh on rent, Solapur. In the further inquiry you told that one month ago at night you along with your associates namely Dhruv @ Sonya Sadashiv More and LakhanPardeshi had went to the Asra Society, near Chandrabhaga Milk dairy on the motorcycle of Dhruv @ Sonya Sadashiv More and robbed gold ornaments and hard cash from the house. After going through the record it was seen that an offence Vide C.R. No. 547/2019 u/s. 380 of I.P.C. was registered at Vijapur Naka Police Station, Solapur. In further inquiry they confessed 01 different house breaking theft and 03 robbery offences, accordingly 55 grams of gold, 140 grams of silver ornaments, hard cash along with the motor-cycle used while committing these offences of worth Rs. 01,66,700/- were seized from them. ...Read More
POLICE STATION:- VIJAPUR NAKA POLICE STATION, SOLAPUR CITY DIST :- SOLAPUR CITY DATE OF WORK :- 03/12/2019 BRIEF FACT :- As there were house breaking theft in the jurisdiction of Vijapur Naka Police Station, So 03/11/2019 officer and his team of Vijapur Naka Police Station were in search of the accuse who had done the house breaking theft. They got information that one person was roaming in a suspicious manner at Old Vijapur Naka. As per the information they reached at the said place and saw that one person was standing there. The said police team caught him there only. The said team checked him and found one Mini-mangalsutra in his pant ...Read More
RECOVERY OF THE STOLEN PROPERTY UNIT : THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE SOLAPUR CITY. DIST. : SOLAPUR. DATE OF WORK : 02 / 08 /2017. BRIEF OF FACT : Within the jurisdiction of commissionerate area of Solapur City. Deputy Commissioner of Police Mrs. Aparna Gitay in charge of Solapur City Zone and their team has cracked 15 cases of Gold ornaments snaching and nabbed five thives. with this recovered the Stolen Gold ornaments weighting 778.5 grams worth of Rs. 20,22,255/- from them. During the course of Investigation of Cr. No. 111/2017 U/s 379 of IPC. regd. with Jodbhavi Peth Police Station. The I.O. PSI Nagesh Matre arrested the suspect one Ganesh Vilas Jadhav and after Intorragated said Ganesh he confesed before Deputy Commissioner of Police Aparna Gitay about the commission of 15 Gold snaching offences and given information regarding the stolen articles. Accordingly Deputy Commissioner of police Aparna Gitay Formed a team led by PSI Nagesh Matre Under Guidance of CP Mahadev Tambade (IPS) and raided house primises of accused Ganesh with their team and recovered Golden Ornaments weighting 778.5 grams worth of Rs. 20, 22, 255/-, further said Ganesh has given details of his associates in the commission of 15 cases of theft commited by him and his team. Accordingly from the detection and recovery of above mentioned crime 05 cases of Jodbhavi peth Police Station, 07 cases of Fausdar Chawadi Police Station, 01 case of Sadar Bazar Police Station, 01 case of Vijapur Naka Police Station, 01 case of Jailroad Police Station has been detected. During the course of investigation of said crime names of five accused 1. Ganesh vilas Jadhav, age - 25 Yrs, Add. - Bhushan nagar, behind annasaheb patil school, solapur 2. Mahadevi Vilas Jadhav, age - 50 Yrs. Add. - Bhushan nagar, behind annasaheb patil school, solapur 3. Anita Balbhim Gaikwad, age 41 Yrs. Add.- Behind the Ramwadi hospital, New Dhondiba Wasti, Solapur. 4. Sanjay alis Kalu Manohar Jadhav, age 40 Yrs. Add.- Behind the Ramwadi hospital, New Dhondiba Wasti, Solapur. 5. Rekha Laxman Gaikwad, age - 45 Yrs. Add.- Soni Nagar, 2 no. Jhopadpatti, Solapur.reveled and therefore remaining accused where also arrested in the crime initially sought their PCR from Hon ...Read More
On 28/06/2016 PSI Khatane, Crime Branch Officer by informant received information that two suspected persons were near Laxmi Mandir Akkalkot Road with stolen motor cycle for sale. As per the information the team reached at the address. As soon as they saw plain clothes Police, they tried to run. They were caught by police and asked for the documents regarding the motor cycle. They gave evasive answers as it was suspicious motor cycle, Chassis no. and engine no. was verified and found that crime was registered at 01) Jail Road Police Station vide Cr. no 274/2016 IPC 379. 02) Vijapur Naka Police Station vide Cr. no 312/2016 03) MIDC Police Station vide Cr. no 125/2014, 04) MIDC Police Station vide Cr. no 59/2015 and Pandharpur Police Station vide Cr.No 165/2015 u/s 379 of IPC During deep interrogation they disclosed that along with two other co accused they had stolen 6 Motor cycles which amounted about Rs.1,80,000/- This arrest of accused resulted in reducing motor cycle thefts in Solapur City. ...Read More